Studio Stories | Meet Our Member: Yiamunaa


In the second installment of Studio Stories, we’re joined by the warm and wise Yiamunaa. Learn why downward dog is her GOAT pose, how great yoga isn’t just about great flexibility, and all the joys that come with letting go – and showing up on the mat as you are.

1. Tell us about yourself.

I’m a fellow human figuring out life through a series of side quests. I take pride in using my body as much as I can to experience different forms of movement, and hopefully stay healthy enough to continue enjoying the same freedom of movement as I age. 

2. What is your go-to class at Ziva?

Yoga reset!

3. What is the one pose that always gets you to “root down and rise up”? 

4. What is a pose that has surprised you during your yoga journey?

Downward dog to both questions. While it’s supposed to be a basic pose, downward dog is always challenging for me. I am generally not very flexible, especially with my hamstrings. It used to be a pose I rarely enjoyed, if ever, during most classes. But over time (years!!!) I learnt to modify it to suit what my body needed, and now, after a few rounds of warmup, it feels really good and is a great way to reset my entire body.

5. What does yoga mean to you? What gives you joy in your practice?

The reset. After a long or hard week, it’s an hour I take to slow down and connect my breath with my body, and let my mind switch off as much as I can. 

6. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned about yourself during your practice? 

On and off the mat, showing up for yourself matters.

7. Similarly, what are some habits or patterns you have UNlearned during your practice? 

It doesn’t matter how a pose looks. As long as it doesn’t hurt and you feel good in your body, it’s correct for you.

8. What advice would you give to someone who’s new to yoga? 

Yoga is not a workout. It’s not flexibility training. Just find a teacher you enjoy learning from, show up as you are and see how you feel. Keep what works for you and modify what doesn’t.

9. Where do you hope your yoga journey will take you in the next 10 years? 

I have no expectations on how I want it to look. It is a mode of movement that helps me reconnect and release – hopefully, it will continue to do that. 

10. Describe your time at Ziva in three words!

“Calm”, “restful”, “happy”!


Good (Down) Dog! Making your practice work for you